6 habits for healthy Eyes

Like body your eyes also need proper care and attention for their wellness. Several eye diseases develop silently, and if they remain UN-diagnosed and untreated, they may lead to vision loss. Within this post, the team at Tosee2020 reviews the factors that have a positive impact on your eyes health.

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Eat Well
There are two types of food that you need to include in your diet to maintain eye health.

Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables and fruits are a high source of vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins and antioxidants like Vitamin C and E support the immune system and slow down age related vision problems like contracts and macular degeneration. Similarly antioxidant like Lutein protects the eye from sun damage. So make sure that your plate is full with green leafy vegetables, oranges, kale, collards and other citrus fruits and juices.

Omega -3 essential fatty acids
Omega-3 can help with the health of your retina and dry eye syndrome. Walnuts, halibut, tuna, eggs and salmon are best sources of Omega-3’s.You can also take supplement like fish oil to meet your needs of omega-3.

Wear Sunglasses
Sunrays can increase your chances of contracts and macular degeneration. Choose contact lenses or glasses that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

Quit Smoking
Smoking effects overall health of your body. If you are a smoker you are more exposed to optic nerve related eye diseases. Ask your doctor for help to control this habit.

Sleep Well
Lack of sleep can eventually lead to puffy eyes, myopia or glaucoma. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that causes a permanent damage to your eye’s optic nerve due to excessive fluid production (pressure) in the front part of your eyes. Proper sleep gives your eyes chance to rest and heal to stay healthy.

Take short breaks from computer screen
Staring at a screen for too long can cause:

• Eyestrain
• Myopia
• Dry eyes
• Headaches, Shoulder and Neck pain

To protect your eyes:
• Use computer glasses
• Give your eyes a break after 20 minutes,look around or outside the window or after two hours take a
1-2 minute walk
• Choose a comfortable, supportive chair.

Visit your Optometrist on regular basis
Several eye diseases develop silently, and if they remain undiagnosed and untreated, they may lead to vision loss. A professional comprehensive eye exam is an annual essential, detailed, annual exam of your eyes to evaluate all aspects of your vision by an eye care professional. An eye examination by one of our optometrists in Illinois at Glen Ellyn or Addison is a preventive practice to see any signs of eye diseases or eye problems, which could lead to visual impairments in future.
How often should I have a comprehensive eye exam?
Looking at your age, vision condition, family and medical history, the doctor will decide how often do you need an eye exam. Doctor recommends:
• Children with no eye issues should have an eye exam every, one to two years.
• Adults, age 20 to 40 with no eye issues can have an eye exam every five to ten years.
• Adults above 40 should have an eye check-up every year, chances of eye diseases increase by age.
• Patients who are at risk of certain conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, the doctor recommends them an eye exam every year.
Of course, you can schedule an eye exam between routine exams if vision changes occur because of some incident etc.

Are you looking for an experienced optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam with all facilities available in Illinois at Glen Ellyn or Addison? Call tosee2020 today for queries and appointments.